Ken Middleton’s new ebook 12 Tunes for Celtic Ukulele is available to buy on his website. Plenty of free tabs on his site too.
Hester Goodman from the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain has a solo record coming out You Could At Least Smile. You can on UOGBfans. And here’s the first TV interview and performance from a very fresh faced version of the Ukes back in 1988.
Missing uke in Auckland: Friend of the blog, Zoway was supposed to be getting a Mango Fluke for her eighteenth birthday. Her Dad was bringing one over from the big island, got as far as Auckland airport and lost it. It’s a long shot but if anyone knows its whereabouts shoot me a message.
Live ‘Ukulele has an interesting post about tabs vs. working out by ear. While I think there’s a lot to be gained from using other people’s tabs, you certainly do get to know a song better and come up with something more personal if you work out your own version.
How come this never happens to me?
The Transport for London vs. banjoleles battle continues (via Got A Ukulele).
MP3s: New one from entertainment for the braindead on Bandcamp for free.
Jamie Cullum on uke if you can be bothered to sit through the ad (not really worth it unless you’re a fan).
Pictures: Awww bless friend of the blog, J-Hob is now a Dad and the Hoblet is already air-uking, Jason Schwartzman, ukulele Gaga hat
In the Comments: jerika pointed to a clip of Kaki King playing a song other than Falling Day on her uke.
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