Bruko Ukuleles

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Brüko Ukuleles are a family-run German company with a long history of uke making. The company started with in the 30s making ukuleles and banjos with brothers Franz and Josef Kollitz at the helm (the name is a contraction of “Brüder Kollitz”) and, with a few interruptions, are still making them today. You can find out more on their website

Almost all of Germany’s top ukers seem to play a Bruko at least some of the time including rawuke, Wilfried Welti, WS64, Earlyguard and Goschenhobel.

Video Review

Ken Middleton reviews the classic Brüko No 6 soprano model.

On Video

Wilfried Welti plays Eric Satie’s Gymnopedie No. 1 on his Brüko No 6

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