G-String Ukulele

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GString ukuleles are one of the most respected brands around. They can boast endorsements by James Hill, Herb Ohta Jr and Roy Sakuma. All their ukes are made in Hawaii and, rather than having a production line, each ukulele is made (or at least overseen) by one maker making them closer to a luthier built instrument.

Obviously, that sort of attention comes at a price. Many of their ukuleles cross the $1,000 barrier. Their James Hill Signature Model fetches somewhere in the $3,000 region.

On Video

James Hill playing his Custom G String Tenor by Derek Shimizu.

On eBay

One Comment

  1. Ingrid November 19th, 2020 7:45 pm

    I own one of these, a concert size that I purchased back in 2005 when I was visiting Hawai’i. Great looking little instrument, good sound, and very playable. Although as a guitar player I prefer tenor sized ukuleles, I often pick up the Gstring rather than my tenor.

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