Beltona Ukulele

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Beltona are a very highly respected maker of resonator instruments including ukuleles. They have a rather gruesome claim to fame: Tiny Tim was playing a Beltona ukulele when he had a heart attack and died. In fact, that very ukulele turned up on eBay in March 2009.

They might have lost one supporter, but they’ve picked up plenty more since then including three members of the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra, James Hill and Peter Brooke Turner of the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.

On eBay

On Video

Krouk lays out a rag on his Beltona resonator ukulele.

One Comment

  1. Andy Wood February 2nd, 2013 11:02 pm

    Great sound, great ukes, great value, great guys.

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