Lazy Ukulele

3.71/5 (4)

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Lazy ukuleles, like Ashton ukuleles and Mahalo ukuleles, are another colourful and cheap ukulele mainly sold in the UK.

Lazy Ukulele Review

Okay, i’m going to be reviewing the first ukulele I purchased.

I bought it almost a year ago from a local music shop for about £25, as I had been wanting to buy one for a while, and the shop only sold this brand and model of ukulele. From the sticker on the inside, it would appear to be a soprano “Lazy Ukulele”. Having not seen any others from the same manufacturer, I would assume this is simply a cheap-to-make beginner’s ukulele.

Despite the small price and unrecognised brand name, it is actually a pretty good uke. Nothing to consider buying if you have others of course, but good for those wondering whether the ukulele would be a suitable instrument for them to play. It actually holds a tune really well, as I have to tune this a lot less than my other, slightly more expensive uke.

The only change I have really made to it since originally purchasing it was to change the strings to some others I ordered from the internet, which weren’t exactly expensive, and gave it a much nicer tone.

The uke has travelled with me on various occasions, both around the country and overseas, and has served me well in a few performing arts projects at school.

I would recommend this particular ukulele to anybody who would like to experiment with playing the ukulele, as it offers a lot in respect to it’s small price.

I reckon it will continue to perform well for me (and anybody else who purchases one) until I can buy a more expensive ukulele.

Review by Jack

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  1. chips February 16th, 2011 9:27 pm

    The Lazy Ukelele seems to be the brand that most shops (in the UK) stock. I was loaned one as a introduction to getting started, I found it easy to play, but hard to tune and it didn’t stay in tune. I’ve since bought one as the price is very affordable at £23. The fella in the shop gave me a free set up, by filing down the nut where each of the strings sit, he reckons the factory settings aren’t any good and by doing this it helps keep in tune as you don’t have to apply too much pressure on the strings, thus it doesn’t go out of tune as much. He also recommended getting it re-strung with good quality strings. So for an entry level uke I’d say it’s a good start!

  2. Alice March 29th, 2011 9:52 pm

    After viewing ukulele vidoes on YouTube and seeing ukes in action, I decided to try out playing and asked for one for Chistmas.

    This was the brand of ukulele I recieved, and was surprisingly good for the price. However, the strings are difficult to keep in tune and in vunerable to wear-and-tear.

    The sound isn’t as good as other expensive ukes, but I would definately recommend this to a beginner.

  3. Kilian July 16th, 2011 11:25 pm

    I bought a red one yesterday as my first uke, im finding it easy to play but hard to keep in tune. I like the way it looks and would definately recommend it.

  4. Lauren November 9th, 2011 6:03 pm

    I bought this because I tried a few chords on someone else’s and loved the sound! It was cheap and sounds really good as a first ukulele 🙂 Doesn’t stay in tune that well for a few weeks, but then you don’t have to tune it that often as the machine heads wear in a bit! Would definitely recommend!
    Well made, looks nice, sounds good and easy to play. There are loads of simple tabs and instructions on how to read tabs on the internet! I play guitar, so I s’pose I might have found this slightly easier!

  5. kyle September 10th, 2013 7:35 pm

    I have had my lazy uke for a few years but upgraded soon after purchasing it, however its a good ukulele for beginners, its easy to play chords on but he small spacing make tab difficult. the quaity is good for the price, however the “natural” woo Colour is a bit odd. it dosent tune too well but well worth the money as first uke

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