Nalu Ukulele

3.88/5 (4)

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Hawaiian-based ukulele company with a range of ukuleles:

– Ahua (their entry level ukuleles)
– Kaiko’o (sitka spruce top, zebrawood elsewhere)
– Papakea (spruce top, rosewood elsewhere)
– Hokua (solid, all mahogany ukuleles)

On Video

Sarah Maisel demonstrates a Nalu Ukulele at NAMM.

On eBay


  1. Anthony Mantova May 31st, 2017 7:37 pm

    Nalu ukuleles have a long legacy of great craftsmanship with plenty of attention to detail. An unsong bonus are the feather light ukulele cases that come with them. The Blue Trim of the cases adds a nice touch. I would recommend these for any level of player.

  2. Bob DuBos July 5th, 2019 1:24 am

    My first ukulele was a NALU. I have owned 4, one of each model but their super concert models are my favorites. The ones I have came with pickups. They are all solid wood, have a bit wider fret board with more room for picking. I have had over 70+ ukes now and these are still my go choice. Bob DuBos

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