Black Bear Ukulele

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Black Bear ukuleles are made by Duane Heilman in Yukima, WA. He has made some very unusual ukuleles in his time. You can see a selection of them on his site with the most outlandish being this Picasso ukulele. Duane used to regularly sell new ukuleles on eBay and through his own site but he’s been very quiet for quite a while now.

On Video

Boulder Acoustic Society with Aaron Keim playing a Black Bear Ukulele and Kailin Yong on a Black Bear fiddle.

On eBay

[phpbay]black bear ukulele, 3, “”, “”[/phpbay]

One Comment

  1. Kelly Wellington February 6th, 2018 6:16 pm

    My wife had one made back in the last millenium and I still have it. I’m not qualified to give any kind of assessment, but she loved it above and beyond her C.F. Martin & Co. But then, I think the Black Bear is a tenor, the Martin a soprano (17 vs. 13 frets, soundbox half again in size).

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