Baritone Tabs, Olive Thomas: Friday Links

A mystery tabber was kind enough to let me post a bit slab of baritone ukulele tabs of classical and traditional tunes.

The Re-entrants are trying to get their version of Ace of Spades into the charts. You can buy it on iTunes.

Olive Thomas on a ukulele. She had an interesting lifestory, there’s a documentary about her here.

Stretch your strings when you change them.

MP3s: Peggy Sue are giving away a bit of a greatest hits collection Body of Work including uke songs Alice in the Kitchen and The Conservationist.

What does a Playgirl centrefold do when he wants to pick up chicks?

Ukulele vegetable grater.

Pictures: Tiny Tim uke, Dirty Blond, Ukulele Lady, Pegasus Bridge.

David Cameron compared to a ukulele

Keston Cobblers’ Club – You-Go (Chords)

Keston Cobblers’ Club – You-Go (Chords)

This lovely tune from the Keston Cobblers’ Club got a great reaction when I featured it on the UkeTube. And Matt from the band was kind enough to share the chords and lyrics so I thought I’d write them up.

Suggested Strumming

For the most part it’s just down strums with a ‘d u d u’ just before the chord changes.

So in the first part the G would be:

d – d – d – d –
d – d – d u d u

And the C and E:

d – d – d u d u

The exception is the C in lines three and four where you just need two down strums.

Twiddly Bits

The little intro at the beginning of the video:

Buy it on iTunes.

Fingerpicking Ukulele – First Steps

Back in the olden days I had a fingerpicking mini-course available for people who signed up for my mailing list. It’s been unavailable for quite a while and a few people have been asking about it. So here’s the first part of it and the rest of it will be available once I work out what I want to do with it.

In order to tab fingerpicking, we need to introduce some new notation. The fingers of the picking hand are referred to as:

T = Thumb

I = Index Finger

M = Middle Finger

A = Ring Finger

The finger names come from pulgar, indice, medius, annular.

If you need a primer on reading ukulele tab in general, check out my series of posts on how to read ukulele tab.

Each of these fingers is allocated to an individual string:

Thumb – g-string

Index Finger – C string

Middle Finger – E string

Ring Finger – A string

Like this:

As you can see, I use my little finger as an anchor. This stabilizes the hand. However, there is a trade off. Letting you hand hover over the strings will give your fingers greater flexibility and make it easier to switch between picking and strumming.
Once you’ve got comfortable with that position, try this simple exercise.

Here, we’re picking through the each string in order while holding down a C chord. When picking a note, your fingertip should be very slightly underneath the string. You pluck it by bringing your finger up and towards your head (or up and away from you head for your thumb).

Make sure you let all the notes ring into each other so that, by the time you’ve picked all the notes, a full chord is ringing.

You can see a video (mpg) of me doing this (first slowly then sped up) here:

Example 1

Once you get the hang of this, you can try changing chords while playing it. Like this:

Example 2
This can feel like trying to rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time. But a little bit of practice and it start to come more naturally.

OK Go – This Too Shall Pass (Tabs and Chords)

OK Go – This Too Shall Pass (Chords)

I used to think this the was the best ukulele blog, but now I’m pretty sure it’s Ralph Shaw’s The Ukulele Entertainer. He’s full of great advice. And he’s one of the few people who agree with me that kids should be discouraged from making music. Two recent articles are essential reading for all ukers: Silence in Music and Make your Ukulele into a Pianoforte.

It’s must-read stuff for everyone, but particularly relevant for ukulele groups. It’s dispiriting to watch a group of ukers all playing the same chords in the same inversions with the same strum at the same volume for the whole song. If you’re just playing for shits and giggles, no problem. But if you’re playing in front of people, you need to put some thought into the arrangement.

And that doesn’t mean you need a band full of flash players. James Hill’s ukulele big band arrangements consist of each person playing one note at a time. And Will from UOGB only plays one note through most of Miserlou.

This Too Shall Pass would be an excellent tune for a ukulele group to play. The chords are dead simple, it’s one big singalong, there are some twiddly bits for the show offs, plenty of dynamic changes in the arrangement and plenty of room for ideas.

Suggested Strumming

When you are strumming you can use

d – d – d u d u

But the most important part of the strumming pattern is when you stop strumming. Make sure you’re not playing during the plinky bits and the, “Let it go…”

Twiddly Bits

The most obvious dip in the dynamics is this little bit that comes in the verse.

I like to play it further up the neck for extra plinkiness (let me know in the comments if you need these technical terms explained).

These notes are also used in the middle section but each two note pair lasts for twice as many beats.

And here’s the little xylophone bit that crops up in the verse:

It’s a little tricky to fit all those G notes in – even using two strings – so you can drop a few notes to make it easier.

There are tons of ideas for extra bits of filigree for you to add as the arrangement builds towards the end in the vastly superior but unembeddable marching band version. You can use any notes you feel like in the C major scale or, simpler still, pick notes from the chord that’s playing at the time.

A great way to keep strumming and add some colour is to use octaves like this:

All these notes come directly from the chord.

And so do these:

Site Problems

The site has been throwing a bit of a diva fit this evening. At the time of writing, it’s sort of back on line. But don’t be too surprised if things look weird, aren’t working or the whole site disappears.

I’m going to get some sleep and pray the interfairies take pity on me.

A big thanks to all the people who let me know they were having problems.

Kasabian – Vlad the Impaler (Riff)


Richard Ayoade makes some great videos but the one he made for Vlad the Impaler is a whole new level of astounding. Not least because of Noel Fielding’s moustache.

The bass riff, of course, doesn’t work on ukulele at all. But why should that stop us?

More guitar riffs for ukulele

Samantha Shelton, Bad Mitten Orchestre: Saturday UkeTube

Nothing made me laugh more this week than this video by Barbara Holm. I watch a lot of ukulele videos and, with the best will in the world, some of them are really bad. This parody is spot on (there’s always a danger declaring something to be a hilarious parody when you’re not entirely sure it’s a parody at all).

Up this week is Samantha Shelton (who has some very heavyweight friends), The Bad Mitten Orchestre, Marie Darling playing with both arms in plaster and plenty more.

Read the rest of this entry »

Friday Links

30 Ukulele, 30 Artists – although all the best ones are sold already.

Hilarious parody of ukulele boy.

Demetri Martin busts out the uke at about 7:50 (thanks to Ben).

Ukulele ad banned for reinforcing racial stereotypes.

I got mentioned at SXSW (slide 37). Looks like an interesting presentation on the pentatonic scale.

Rocky and Balls are playing Como in Italy. If you’re not familiar with it check out some pictures.

Student Union election victory for ukulele playing candidate at my old alumnus causes some controversy. Although the best reason for voting for him has to be, “… he has great etiquette on the lacrosse pitch.”

I have to find a ukulele player for a bridal shower in a few hours. What shall I do? I know, I’ll use Yahoo Answers.

Photos: More art ukes, J’ai perdu mon ukulele, My favourite accessory.

I’m in a bad mood at the moment so this might change when I’m back to my usual ‘rainbows and fairy-wings’ self but the Monday Exposures won’t be every week any more. They’re always the least commented on and least read posts.

Pickard, Blueberry: Ukulele Window Shopping

Blueberry are another guitar company leaping onto the ukulele bandwagon. Their Bluekulele is a bit filigree-heavy for my taste but it’s already commanding a good price and plenty of bidders.

Anyone ever tried a Pickard ukulele? They’re commanding a high price on eBay UK but I don’t remember having seen anyone play one (or even talk about them).

Kotex: now you can play ukulele all month long (and have a scary waist). They had marvellous boxes back then too.

Phoenix – Lisztomania (Riff)

I think this would be a great song for ukulele orchestras. It’s got a really interesting arrangement: simple chords, a bunch of little riffs to play, plenty of space in the arrangement and some nice dynamics (I might rant on this next week). It’s in the key of C. And it sounds great sung chorally.

There are three little riffs in the song a one bar riff, a two bar riff and an eight bar riff.

The first riff from the keyboard:

The first guitar riff:

The second guitar riff is worth playing with pick and some damping (letting the underside of your hand rest gently on the strings just in front of the bridge).

And all of them on one tab:

Phoenix – Lisztomania (Tab)

Here’s my attempt at putting them all together.


Requested by Gerado.

More guitar riffs for ukulele

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