Herman Dune – I Wish That I Could See You Soon

Herman Dune – I Wish That I Could See You Soon (Chords)

Slap my ass and call me Sally, I should have done this song a looooong time ago.

David Ivar Herman Dune (or Herman Düne for fans of unnecessary umlauts) is a ukulele hero and his Ya Ya album is an indie ukulele classic and his Yayahoni covers are something else. And, of course, he’s done a Le Soir Ukulele Session.

I Wish That I Could See You Soon doesn’t have a ukulele in it, but the fact he plays it on a guitar capoed at the fifth fret (putting it in the ukulele range) suggests he may well have written the song on the uke.


When I strum this song, I like to use a bit of left hand damping. Leaving that aside for now, the strum is down, down, up, up, down. If you just want a simple strum, the song will sound perfectly good.

If you want something a bit more interesting, try it this way. Create a short chord on the first strum. You can do this by strumming down on the F chord as normal, then resting the ring finger of you right hand on the strings to stop the chord ringing (and relax your fretting fingers). Then you strum down again with the strings still dampened by your finger. After that, you can go back to your normal chord shape and strum up, up, down. Do this for each chord and it should sound something like this:

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  1. zym March 20th, 2008 8:37 pm

    Oi Herman, someones nicked your “traveling matte” effects!! :D

  2. Woodshed March 22nd, 2008 7:28 am

    I think he must have blown the budget on the cocaine he needed to get the kids dancing.

  3. Ukulele Muxtape | Uke Hunt May 5th, 2008 6:00 pm

    […] well as fronting up Herman Dune (check out chords for I Wish That I Could See You Soon), David Ivar Herman Dune puts out plenty of ukulele stuff: a ukulele covers project Yayahoni, a […]

  4. Fafa April 3rd, 2009 10:24 am

    I just see them yesterday in Brest (france). And David gives us a ukulele version of I Wish That I Could See You Soon. Great !

  5. Woodshed April 7th, 2009 3:55 pm

    Fafa: They’re on my list of bands I have to see at some point.

  6. alec February 6th, 2010 4:29 pm

    WTF? I just discovered this song and googled for chords and there ukulelehunt was. Always one step ahead.

  7. Woodshed February 6th, 2010 6:31 pm

    alec: Yes, I have the power of precognition.

  8. nico June 19th, 2012 5:26 pm

    Have LOVED this song for years and seen Herman Dune live a few times …. and now playing one of their songs is like a dream come true! thanks for having it here on the list!

  9. Woodshed June 25th, 2012 11:46 am

    nico: You’re welcome!

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