Soko – I Will Never Love You More (Chords)(PDF)
When I mentioned Soko in my best of 2007 posts, I had no idea she was a ukulelist. Not long after that post, I Will Never Love You More cropped up on her MySpace. I decided right then I’d have to put up the chords, but it wasn’t until I saw the above video at La vidéo ukulélé du jour that I got my arse into gear.
The chords are very simple: just C and G in the verse with F and G7 for the other sections. It’s a bit trickier to recreate her strumming pattern. First she plucks the G string with her thumb, then strums up, down, up with her index finger.
Well, it’s a pleasure to get you on the tracks… Now I can add approximative uke playing to my annoying whistling of this song. Many thanks, and be sure my relatives wish you a cruel a painful death…