How to Play Ukulele: New Look

My ebook site, How to Play Ukulele site has been in desperate need of a makeover for a while now. And it’s finally got one.

As well as the new look, there’s now a shopping cart and you can leave comments, reviews or questions. If you’ve read any of my ebooks, I’d really appreciate you letting me and everyone else know what you think of it.

I’ve had a few people ask me for a tab of the Chinese national anthem. I’ve put one together and I’ll be giving it away to the people on my mailing list this Friday. So if you want it and you’re not on the list, sign up sharpish.

The Olympics has gone flying by. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself once it’s finished. Do some work perhaps. Once the Olympics end (Sunday) so does the $5 price tag for How to Play National Anthems ebook.

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  1. todd August 20th, 2008 7:49 pm


    new layout looks good……

    good luck,


  2. Woodshed August 20th, 2008 10:30 pm

    Thanks, Todd. Glad you like it.

  3. suzie September 5th, 2013 3:27 am

    Iwas able to find a complete lesson to play Vance Joy Riptide I cant find it any more on uke hunt any clues?

  4. Woodshed September 5th, 2013 9:22 am

    suzie: I had to take it down for copyright reasons.

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