Quite a number of Martin ukuleles on eBay this week. Particularly catching my attention are this Style 3 Taropatch, this 1926 Tiple and this Daisy 5M.
I’m going to have to buy a Le Domino one of these days.
This week, shame on me, I’ve a g**tar catch my eye. A 1930s Slingerland Songster from Jake Wildwood.
National are the resonator makers. So it’d be interested to hear what their bottom of the range resophonic ukulele sounds like. That one looks like it’s been used to hammer nails into a barn door. But people seem to be bidding on it enthusiastically.
Brand names that don’t suit the ukulele #1: Conqueror. Save it for your range of condoms.
It’s July. Where are people selling ukulele Christmas ornaments?
Conqueror brand Ukulele…..love it….just saying it and associating it with the ukulele makes my teeth itch…..