Salwa Azar, Ooks of Hazard: UkeTube

You might have already had a sneak preview of this post, but here’s the finished article.

Today’s tube includes Ukulollo with Siwar from Ukuleles for Peace. They’re currently offering a pineapple ukulele for the best ukulele song. You can find out more in this video.

Also featured is Miss Jess. Her fantastic EP, Jammin’ at Jacksons, is now available on iTunes so you have no excuse for not picking up at least a couple of tracks (Philadelphia and Finally Mine are indispensable).

Also up is Salwa Azar, Zooey Deschanel, some blinding bluegrass and plenty more.

I’ve probably missed a bunch of videos while I’ve been away on holibobs so I hope you’ve been following UkeToob.

There’s another video you should be aware of: Eliza Doolittle’s Skinny Genes. Looks like she’s being set up as the English Miley Cyrus.

The Ooks Of Hazzard – Kids

Salwa Azar – Floating in Milk

If you’re in the London area you can catch Salwa at The Imperial pub in Leicester Square on 6th June and the Halfmoon pub in Putney on the 5th July. More info on her MySpace

Siwar and Ukulollo – Carnival

Sanfordandsong – Bluegrass Ukulele

Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys – A Friend In Goddamn

She & Him – Gonna Get Along Without You Now

Musicmayi – Come Again

Thanks to UCB

Miss Jess with Millie Martin – Debris by Rod Thomas

Craig Robertson – It Don’t Mean Nothin’ (If It Don’t Relate To You)

Taimane Gardner – Circus Freak

Cara Salimando

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  1. Craig Robertson May 15th, 2010 3:34 pm

    Siwar and Ukulollo are wonderful! There’s a great selection of videos here. The quality, overall has definitely improved, particularly in the area of audio.

    This is good, because they’re songs first.

  2. Herman May 15th, 2010 4:34 pm

    This time I did start listen to the videos in the opposite direction!!Why? I like the accent from Taimana’s waltz when she sings french and yes I did stay a bit longer with Carnival – Siwar and Ukulollo. Craig must understand that I like voices from the opposite gender!

  3. todd May 15th, 2010 6:46 pm



    just loved it….

  4. Herman May 15th, 2010 6:54 pm

    you are right todd … I missed musicmayi therefore I “came again”

  5. Emily May 16th, 2010 6:53 pm

    That ooks of hazard vid brought a big smile to my face. Thanks for sharing!

  6. UkePeas May 18th, 2010 3:22 pm

    can you maybe tab or write the chords out for floating in milk i just really liked it, also the ooks of hazzard vid was amazing, i was a bit awe struck :P

  7. Mandalyn (musicmayi) May 18th, 2010 8:27 pm

    What a great lineup of uke variety – The Ooks of Hazard are definitely a new fave – after only posting one video! Amazing:) And Craig is always a favorite. Thanks for including me in such a great group of players!

  8. Woodshed May 18th, 2010 10:06 pm

    Craig: I’ve definitely seen a big increase in quality (and in quantity for that matter) since the blog started.

    Herman: I wonder what it’s going to take to get you to complement a guy’s video!

    todd: Glad you enjoyed!

    Emily: Yeah, they do a great job of it. They’ve put effort into the arrangement of the instruments and the vocals.

    UkePeas: I think there’ll be more of Salwa on the blog in future. I’m a fan.

    Mandalyn: Thanks very much for your contribution to the post.

  9. Sanford (andsong) May 19th, 2010 4:35 am

    I’m right behind you, Mandalyn. It’s a definite thrill to be included. I had no idea that such a far reaching and motivated uke community existed out there. It’s very inspiring. And I’ve got to say that between Woodshed’s repertoire of tunes and Taimane Gardner above, a tenor uke is looking very appealing…

  10. Herman Vandecauter May 19th, 2010 8:04 am

    Woodched: If Israel Kamakawiwo’ole could come back! Unrivaled!

  11. Woodshed May 22nd, 2010 5:48 am

    Sanford: Yep, you should get a tenor. Thanks for your contribution to the UkeTube.

  12. ukulollo June 7th, 2010 11:01 pm

    wow, thanks Craig, thanks Herman, and most of all, Thanks Al. So, I’d say most of Al. (hope you’ll keep on featuring my video after this!)
    It’s an honor to be together with such great artists!
    Yes, Hazzard was so cool, and what a strange charming melody the new taimane song! Umbelivable

  13. crazysteph12 October 7th, 2010 12:58 am

    cara salimando, one of my inspirations for playing the uke!

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