Nick Drake – Horn (Tab)

Nick Drake – Horn (Tab)

It’s not often I break with my schedule but Nick Drake’s Horn popped into my ears this morning and I felt compelled to get my own up.

It also fits well with the real post today about pieces suitable for solo ukulele beginners. It’s the sparsest track on Drake’s sparsest album. For my version there’s just a droning open C-string (plucked with the thumb) and the slow melody mainly on the A-string (middle finger) and occasionally on the E-string (index finger).

The only downside is that it requires a ukulele with at least fifteen frets. If you don’t have one you can play this version in G:

Horn (Tab in G)

This moves the drone to the g-string. Making it an octave higher (unless you’re using low-G tuning). So it doesn’t fit perfectly but it does still work.


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  1. Andy December 2nd, 2016 6:38 am

    Sweet! If I play this in G and want to continue with Things Behind the Sun (they are often played as one piece), should I play that also in G? Thanks! Love your content!

  2. Woodshed December 2nd, 2016 1:34 pm

    Andy: Thanks very much! They are in the same key on the record. It depends which key suits your voice best. I’d say adjusting the key of Horn to match what’s best for Things… would be the better way to go.

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