Mountain Goats – No Children (Chords and Tab)

Mountain Goats – No Children (Chords)

My excitement for the new Mountain Goats album this Friday has spilled over into me writing up one of my favourite songs of theirs. No Children perfectly pulls of the Mountain Goats’ favourite mixture of humour, drama and pathos.

If you’re into analysis of Mountain Goats songs, I highly recommend the I Only Listen to the Mountain Goats podcast which includesAmanda Palmer’s ukulele version of The Mess Inside.

Suggested Strumming

You can use this strum most of the song:

d – d u d –

Intro, Midtro and Outro: Main strum twice per chord.

Verses: Main strum twice per chord again. Here’s how the verse strum sounds:

Verse Strum

Pre-Chorus Strum: If you want to ignore the passing chords (in brackets) you can just do the main strum four times each on C and Am. Then six on the F and two on the G. Then four times on the F that straddles the pre-chorus and chorus.

Here’s how that sounds:

Pre-Chorus Strum

Chorus: Four times per chord.

Twiddly Bits

Here’s an approximation of the piano part that plays in all the tros. Again with a capo on the first fret.


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