Billie Eilish – What Was I Made For? (Tab)
Here’s my take on Billie Eilish’s contribution to the Barbie soundtrack: What Was I Made For?
Intro: I went with a few spicy chords for the intro to emphasise the melancholy mood of the song. If you prefer, you can just pick through the standard C – Em – F chord pattern.
Verse: I’ve kept the arrangement for this simple and sparse. It’s a great melody, so doing that gives it plenty of room to breathe.
Chorus: Things get a bit more involved in the chorus with pull-offs, slides and a few trips up the neck to deal with.
Break: This section is only loosely based on the original. So there’s plenty of room to play about here.
Outro: The song is in C but it ends on a G chord (i.e. the V chord). That leaves the song hanging on a tense, uncertain note.