Tattoo Fail: Friday Links

Never trust a tattoo artist that doesn’t know how to play D7.

You can listen to four tracks from James Hill’s new long player Man with a Love Song. The emphasis on this one is shifted away from virtuoso ukuleling and towards songwriting. And it really shows – they’re the best songs he’s ever written.

Amanda Palmer demonstrates her Carnegie medal winner shaped music stand.

Back to school time (in the UK anyway) and Uke’s Cool is kicking off a new term of courses in London next week.

Kartiv2 does a MysteryGuitarMan cut-up music thing and is including quite a few ukuleles at the moment. This one is the most uke-heavy, this one is my favourite and this one has MysteryGuitarMan on uke and a brief appearance from Julia Nunes.

Tally Deushane is one of the top ten college women thanks to sound words like, “Don’t request ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ from a ukulele player.”

Tyrone is kickstarting his album.

Ukulele wolf.

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  1. Nukulele September 9th, 2011 2:35 pm

    That’s… unfortunate

  2. cardboardfrog September 9th, 2011 4:24 pm

    the tattoo is a transfer sadly not an actual tattoo, you can tell from the shiny film left from transfer and the fineness and definition of the lines, thank god too, imagine omiting D7!

  3. Phredd September 9th, 2011 9:04 pm

    Totally agree on the James Hill songwriting. Looking forward to hearing more.

  4. Dan September 10th, 2011 3:54 am

    Is that your tat Woodshead?

    If so, I am so sorry :(

  5. Herman Vandecauter September 10th, 2011 9:19 am

    I like a day in Thailand! Would like to there.
    & how many times di we rock on Rock Around the Clock? Nice work.

  6. Amanda September 10th, 2011 12:01 pm

    Well tha’s someone who needs to get some very localised tattoo removal done. Sheeeesh. Ranks up there with an American student I once knew in passing. He and the wife of his tattooist were carrying on behind the tattooists back. BIG mistake. Before he went home to America he decided to have “In God we trust.” inked across his shoulders. He was so proud of it that we didn’t have the heart to tell him that it actually said “In Dog we trust.”

    Moral of the story, never sleep with your tattooists partner. Well unless you’re invited by them both.

  7. mictoboy September 10th, 2011 9:56 pm

    that’s not a tattoo, it’s a water-slide transfer. Cool wolf though.

  8. Woodshed September 11th, 2011 11:04 am

    I think I should confirm that, yes, it’s my arm and, yes, it’s temporary. Kani Ka Pila sent it to me. The D7 is a mistake but I think it makes it 10 times more fun.

  9. Amanda September 11th, 2011 6:53 pm

    Am I the only one who reads “D7” and see’s a Klingon warship in their minds eye? Or is that just me showing my age?

  10. Garce September 22nd, 2011 12:26 am

    Loving Ukulele Wolf – but how about Ukulele chimp!?

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