Broadcast 2000 – Get Up & Go (e.on Ad)

Every time I’ve turned on the TV the last few weeks it seems like this ad featuring Broadcast 2000 has been on (you can listen to the full song here). I didn’t really have much choice but to tab out its ukulele riff.

Broadcast 2000 get up and go ukulele tab

The time signature for this piece is a little strange. The first bar is in 3/4 time (the notes are counted 1 & 2 & £ &) and the second bar is in 4/4 time. It’s made to seem even more unusual by three against four phrase in the second bar (there are four notes to each beat but the repeated phrase is three notes long).

And the time signature changes don’t stop there. When the lyrics kick in, the second bar of the riff is shortened to 3/4 before going back to 4/4 for the rest of the verse. The chorus is three bars of 3/4 then one 4/4 followed by four of 3/4 (the second chorus is different again with the last bar in 4/4). I hope you’re taking notes.

Pre-order Get Up and Go on their website.

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  1. Suzanne April 28th, 2008 4:44 pm

    Now, we Americans do not have this ad. And what a shame. This is a nice catchy little tune, and the fellow in the ad is nice too ;)

  2. Woodshed April 29th, 2008 6:13 pm

    Yes, we have all the best uke ditties and man-totty over here ;)

  3. Steve March 4th, 2009 3:28 am

    Man-totty? You Brits have such a way with words.

  4. Harrie December 13th, 2011 9:16 pm

    I am not saying you are wrong about the time signature, for the advert, but I think that in the whole song this pattern doesn’t apply… I would love some feed back on this, because I am struggling to find the first beat of the bar sometimes. :)

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