Yurima – River Flows in You (Tab)
I’ve done plenty of TV, book and game themes but I think this is the first book theme I’ve done. There seems to be a fair bit of confusion about what constitutes Bella’s/Edward’s Lullaby which I got caught up in. When I was working it out, as a very cheap Christmas present for a friend, I thought I was working out the song from the film. But it turns out this version is in the film and Yiruma’s River Flows In You was decided to be the theme by a bunch of fans. And I think the fans got it right. River Flows in You has a very sweet catchy melody. And the official piece, well, it’s a bit shit.
Dang. I was working on this before you came and did it… But still your’s is much better than mine. I’ve got some friends that are big Twilight fans and they’ll be delighted.