Gothic Archies – Scream and Run Away

The Gothic Archies – Scream and Run Away (Chords)

People say, ‘Do these books have any messages for young people?’ And I say, ‘Of course, it’s one of the most important lessons in all literature. The lesson is: if you see Count Olaf, scream and run away. You don’t get that from CS Lewis’.”

After I posted Smile, I was overwhelmed by a flood of/floored by a barrage of/inundated with two requests for more. In the face of such an outpouring, who am I to deny it? Particularly when I can’t get enough of these songs myself.

Although there is no uke on Scream and Run Away the chords fit very nicely. But, if you’re desperate for a little ukulele oompah action, you could try playing this:


I plan on transcribing more of the songs from this album in the near future. So, if you don’t want to miss them, make sure you subscribe.

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