Search for Ukulele Videos On Seven Sites At Once

I’ve been playing with Yahoo Pipes again. This time I’ve set up a pipe which, in theory at least, lets you search a number of video websites (including Midnight Ukulele Disco) for ukulele videos.

Ukulele Video Search

The Ukulele Video Search Pipe searches for ukulele videos on: Midnight Ukulele Disco, Google Video, YouTube, Yahoo! Video, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Break. The term ‘ukulele’ is already embedded in the pipe.

All you have to do is type in the number of results you want to see and the person or song you want. For example, 30 results and ‘Craig Robertson’ will return his videos on MUD and YouTube.

Unfortunately, Yahoo Pipes is in beta and I’m not all that proficient on it so this pipe is quite temperamental. The pipe originally contained the site Grouper but when I searched for ‘Craig Robertson’ it had a disturbing tendency to point to a man being kicked in the balls (NSFW – unless you work in Abu Ghraib).

Video Search: If for some inexplicable reason you want to find a video which doesn’t include a ukulele, you can search using this tube.

Be sure to check out the Ukulele Blog Aggregator pipe while you’re there.

Blog Updates

The eagle-eyed obsessives amongst you may have noticed a few changes around here recently:

  1. I have set up a Tab & Chords Page with songs listed alphabetically rather than in the unhelpful date order.
  2. There’s a Contact Page where you can send me an email directly from the site.
  3. ukehunt feed buttonYou can now read Uke Hunt by email by putting your address in the form below or in the sidebar. Or you can subscribe to the feed by clicking the orange button in the sidebar or the big one to the right. This takes you to a page where you can select your chosen reader and sign up. If you’ve no idea what I’m on about, read this introduction to feeds and immediately improve your life forever.
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