Lucky Soul – Lips Are Unhappy

Lucky Soul – Lips Are Unhappy (Chords)’s attempt to get Lucky Soul to Christmas number one might have been a compete disaster, but they did produce my favourite album of last year, The Great Unwanted. Lucky Soul are a modish London band who packed their debut album with perfect pop Motown tunes. It’s a relief to listen to a new band that doesn’t try to sound like The Libertines and don’t sound like their making up the song as they go along.

The chords for Lips Are Unhappy fit nicely on the ukulele. In the chord chart I’ve written the C chord as the Bb chord shape (but 2 frets higher). I think this inversion sounds better and it means you can slide up to it from the Bb. But you can use the standard C shape if you prefer.

One thing to notice about the chords is the C6 that crops up. It’s in brackets in the intro because it’s a passing chord – you only strum it once. It’s only there briefly but, since all the strings are strummed open, it’s not difficult to play.

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