Kate Nash – Foundations (Chords)
There’s no doubt about the highlight of last night’s Brit Awards; “You remember Kenzie? His little face beaming?” The Brit School love-in was getting a bit much. And it’s great to see one band willing to goad the powers that be into cutting their speech short.
Having said that, I don’t have anything against the Brit School. There are a few killer songs that have come out of it, which makes it worth putting up with The Feeling in my book. Foundations is one of the songs that makes it worth putting up with them (and maybe even The Kooks as well).
The chords are dead simple. The tricky part is working out how the hell the lyrics fit around them and adopting an unconvincing cockerney accent.
For the strumming at the start, you can just play each chord once. When it gets going, I like to use down, down, up, up, down. Which sounds like this slow:
And this up to speed:
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