Happy Birthday (Chords)
Every so often I take a look at the site analytics and the pile of rejected requests to find out what people are turning up on the site looking for and leaving unfulfilled. The answer is usually very depressing. And very dangerous. The last time I caved in to pressure ended up with me in hospital.
So this time I’m resisting requests for that damn Train song. Instead I’ll go with the second most searched for: the chords for Happy Birthday.
Suggested Strumming
All down strums. Simple. The only slightly unusual thing is that it’s in 3/4 time. That means the down strums are in groups of 3 rather than, the more common, groups of 4.
Twiddly Bits
The tab I did of Happy Birthday before but it was far too jazzy (and too crap). So I’ve put together a simple one that’s easy to do at a family occasion.
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