Train – Hey Soul Sister (Chords)
Yes, I’ve finally caved. The endless requests, the hundreds of people turning up at the site looking for it, Ritek making me feel guilty about it, getting ganked. And then there’s the sensible part of me that thinks, “It’s only a damn song. If people just want to play it, why are you being such a dick?” My stated aim is to, “make sure everyone who wants to play an instrument does.” So until I amend it to, “make sure everyone who wants to play an instrument does – unless I think they have terrible taste,” here it is.
I have to admit, despite it having some of the most appalling lyrics I’ve ever heard, I did catch myself humming the tune on a number of occasions.
Judging by the video, he has the G and A strings switched round. So the B chord is actually being played 2324, the C#m 4446, A chord 0102 and E is 2444. The only advantage I can see with this is that the E chord is a lot easier to play. But I’ve written the chords up in standard tuning since I guess that’s what most of you will be using.
Suggested Strumming
The main pattern is:
d – d – – u d u
Play that twice for each chord in the verse. The only exception is on the lines that finish with a quick A – B change where you play the pattern once for each chord.
In the chorus, play the pattern twice on A and once on B. Then two down strums each for the E and B.
In the Key of F
The chords are in the uke-unfriendly key of E which is a sure sign it was written on guitar and hastily transferred to uke when they heard the bandwagon rolling into town.
A simpler set of chords to use would be in F:
Train – Hey Soul Sister (in F)(Chords)
Tune your uke down half a step to B-tuning if you want to play in the same key as the original.
In the Key-na Grannis
For her version of the song Kina Grannis uses the D chord shapes and is also in B-tuning.
Hey Soul Sister (in D)
Next week, Justin Bieber and High School Musical.
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