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Ukuleles on TV, World Cup Ukes: Friday Links

Ukuleles on TV, World Cup Ukes: Friday Links

You can now pay for the How to Play Ukulele ebooks by credit card without all the PayPal hassles. Due to very, very popular demand (which I have a great deal of sympathy with). I’ve tested it and it should be fine, but if you encounter any problems just let me know.

In another bit of housekeeping, I’ll be switching the site to a new host next week. So if the site goes down, that’ll be why. On to business.

Everyone seems to be using the ukulele in their drama-dies these days. Modern Family had a ukulele rendition of Eye of the Tiger. Parenthood finished with I’m Into Something Good. And, showing a mind-numbing paucity of ambition, Glee‘s season climaxed with an yet another IZ inspired ukulele rendition of Over the Rainbow.

Brazilian ball-kicker, Julio Baptista has taken his ukulele to the World Cup. The English is under the Italian and worth reading for the phrase, “a passion that grows the Beast for years.” (Thanks to Ukulollo). And the terminally deluded of you who think England have a chance might enjoy this video.

Jim D’Ville is about to set off on a workshop tour of North California.

The more innocent days before UFC.

MP3s: Jacob Borshard got married and celebrated with 3D photos and MP3s (click the first and last photos for the tracks). Both Sides of the Mouth has 6 Day Riot’s Go! Canada. Amanda Palmer has released the first track from her Radiohead ukulele EP, Idioteque. You can listen and buy it on Bandcamp.

This dangerous craze is liable to spread.

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