Lots of excellent photos this week: Senior ukulele club (via Ukulelia), Nancy Hamilton (via Humble Baritonics), the man on the table, Ukulele Lady (warning: contains boobs).
UkuleleTim has a new site Ukulele Secrets that promises to teach you to play ukulele like a badass. Definitely worth subscribing to.
Scarface seems to be the uke player’s reference of choice at the moment. It’s now on a T-shirt.
UOGB tracks are now available on iTunes here and here.
Jesicca Delfino solves some maths related ukulele problems.
Anyone care about the Bushman results?
How do you chuck your ukulele? While we’re on Yahoo Answers, this question had occurred to me too. What did happen to chipswow/Scampi?
Remind me never to start a ukulele duel with either of these two.
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