Pi for Ukulele (Tab)

Pi for Ukulele (Tab)

Happy Pi Day!

The idea behind this tune is that you assign each number to a note in the C major scale (1=C, 2=D, 3=E etc.). Then convert the digits of pie into music. There was a legal bust up over the idea but I first heard it in this uke featuring version by Michael Blake.

I’ve been a bit more loose with my interpretation of it. The melody is pi but I’ve added in any notes I felt like around it.

I should point out that the numbers under the tab are the digits of pi. Lest you were wondering how to grow nine fingers on your fretting hand.

And if you can’t get it together start working on tau and you’ve got until June.

For the Purists

Pi Melody (Tab)

If you prefer the pure version, here’s just notes of pi by themselves.

Pi Melody (MP3)

Creative Commons License
This work by Ukulele Hunt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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