WIUO/Starland Vocal Band – Afternoon Delight (Chords)

Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra – Afternoon Delight (Chords)

The Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra’s recent visit to these shores for a run at the Edingburgh festival was a huge hit with them impressing audiences and fighting accusations of steroid abuse it would seem. To celebrate I’ve written up their take on the Starland Vocal Band’s sitcom fodder Afternoon Delight.

The chord sheet is based on the WIUO version but I’ve cribbed bits from the original version like the intro. They’re both in the same key so you can mix and match as you like.

Suggested Strumming

You can use this two bar pattern for most of the song:

d – d u – u d u
– u d u – u d –

Use that once for each chord in the verses, bridges and solo.


In the chorus and outro do one strum per chord. Except for the Dm and F on “delight”. Go back to the main pattern for those.

Twiddly Bits

Here’s a little ukulele intro based on the SVB version:


And here’s how it sounds:


For the solo I’d recommend improvising a solo around the F major scale. And throw in a minor third for a bit of colour. When I’m playing it I like to noodle around with these notes:


It’s notes from the F major scale with a b3 and without a 7.


Buy the Starlight Vocal Band version.
Buy the WIUO version.
Visit the WIUO’s website

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