Friday Links

New Releases

– Herman Vandecauter has released a selection of pieces played on the rajão (the Madeiran precursor to the ukulele). They’re fantastically played. Highly recommended.
– Jolly new Christmas song from Phredd: Bob the Snowman.
– A jazzy Christmas record from the Ladybugs.
Macy Warner’s Apologies to Myself.

Window Shopping
Lichty’s U127 Fretless Tenor. I’m sure I’d could make that uke sound absolutely awful.
1929 Martin 5K
Custom Martin Tree of Life.
Santa Cruz UK-3.
Lyon & Healy Bell soprano.
1930s Regal Concert Banjo Ukulele.

I don’t usually cover contests but there are two at the moment that have good aims:
Rachel Manke is giving away a customised Ohaha and all you have to do to enter is give to the ukulele charity of your choice.
– The Levy Sheet Music Collection is running the Save our Songs Contest. To enter you record a version of any of the songs in their collection. There are hundreds of with ukulele chords to choose from.

A heartbreaking story of ukulele theft. An Oakland man had the uke his late-wife playing during chemo stolen. It was a Kala Ukadelic Tropical Day if you’re in the area and see one in suspicious circumstances.

A while back I wrote a post on No Hassle Chord Changes. Now Mark of Ukulele Bedford has added a few to the list.

Ever wondered what it would sound like if you recorded one note on your uke in every town in Massachusetts? Wonder no more.

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