Mara Carlyle

There are some inventions so perfect and unlikely that their inception can only be put down to a moment of pure genius. For example, who was it who first stood on beach, looked down at the sand and thought, “You know, I reckon if we melt that down we could see through that.”? And who was it that got so bored one winter’s evening that they went rummaging through the tool shed and decided to play a saw with a violin bow and created a ghostly wail. Luckily for us they did as musical saw and ukulele make a near perfect combination.

The British electronic music scene isn’t the first place you’d expect to find a saw and ukulele player but the entire genre can be justified for producing one, Mara Carlyle. Carlyle has appeared on records by Plaid and Matthew Herbert. Her scene stealing vocals quickly earned her a record deal. She released her debut album, The Lovely (sadly not a Debbie McGee concept album), in 2004 and the fantastically named EP I Blame Dido a year later.

But she first came to to my notice with her uke and saw version of Jamie Lidell’s Game for Fools (which appeared on his album of remixes Muliply Additions). The original version of the song is an Otis Reading style but from Carlyle’s version you’d think it was written for ukulele. It’s a masterclass in ukeing up song.

Buy Mara Carlyle
Mara Carlyle - The Lovely

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  1. Cheerful One July 2nd, 2007 7:18 pm

    Cripes. It’s music like that which makes me decide that singing to the dust in the living room is probably always going to be my best bet.


  2. susan tobacco July 2nd, 2007 11:09 pm

    Oh scream, I love Mara Carlyle. Baby Bloodheart one of the finest uke numbers ever. And she is ridiculously pretty. Well done.

  3. susan tobacco July 2nd, 2007 11:16 pm

    and i had no idea there was a video to it until now. So that’s double good.

  4. Woodshed July 2nd, 2007 11:26 pm

    Ms Cheerful: That would be a real shame. If everyone who couldn’t sing as well as Mara gave up singing, it’d be a very quiet world.

    Ms Tobacco: And she’s sharing a meal with a lobster while sat in the bath in a park. Triple good.

  5. susan tobacco July 3rd, 2007 10:48 pm

    Ms ex-Tobacco. Like all the other losers I gave up smoking on sunday. Thank Christ for the uke, it’s the other fun thing you can do with your hands.

  6. Woodshed July 3rd, 2007 11:46 pm

    The smoking ban has made me want to take up smoking. Just because I don’t like being told what to do.

    I can think of another fun thing to do with my hands.

  7. Uke Hunt » Mara Carlyle - Baby Bloodheart July 8th, 2007 9:54 pm

    […] writing about her on Monday, I immediately started working on this tune and was given a further boot up the backside by Susan […]

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