Friday Links

Ukulelenurkka will be celebrating International Ukulele Day (August 23rd) in Helsinki with two days worth of top-notch gigs. Appearances from Ukulelezaza, Pete Howlett, Shelley Rickey and Scheidenbach.
amanda palmer ukulele creep

After I mentioned the Tay Zonday’s viral hit video Chocolate Rain in connection with this performance, WS64 produced a fantastic ukulele version of the song. Tay Zonday and WS64 – Chocolate Rain (mp3)

A couple of atmospheric photos of Amanda Palmer and one of her many surprise ukulele performances.

tie ukulele stringsLearn how to tie your ukulele strings extra firmly from the knot experts.

Mix Me A Molotov has a live mp3 of UOoGB performing Anarchy in the UK. Ukulele mp3s galore at Ochblog.

The Independent can’t resist a terrible ukulele pun either and reveals that Pete Doherty has, apparently, bought a uke.frog ukulele ecard

Tedtoons of the Nashville Ukulele Society has two hilarious uke ecards: kitty ukulele and frog ukulele.

More painted ukes.

New ukulele LiveJournal group.

A ukulele playing Des O’Connor. Not that Des O’Connor.

Fluke played atop a camel.

Desperate rappers turn to Tiny Tim.

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  1. Polly August 11th, 2007 8:21 am

    hey, thanks for the links to my photos of Amanda Palmer!
    She was amazing!

  2. Mike August 11th, 2007 11:51 am

    I love the Anarchy in the UK cover. That’s almost the way we did it at the Durham Uke Jam, though I think it works well as a music hall number (but more posh, not Formby). UOoGB of course add the sublime touches of (1) “Take it to the bridge” (never before heard in a Sex Pistols song, I’ll guess) and (2) “I use the ukulele”.

    Oh, and on the subject of Formby: the Village People’s “YMCA” works splendidly on the uke if you do it in his cheeky chappy style. Nipper’s TUSC songbook #1 has the chords.

  3. Woodshed August 12th, 2007 3:16 pm

    Polly: You’re welcome. I wish I could have been there myself.

    Mike: I agree, there need to be a lot more songs with ‘Take it to the bridge’ in. I’m going to have a go at YMCA in a Formby style – I can hear it my head already.

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