Moussu T Lei Jovents – A Que Calor (Chords)
A few weeks ago I got an email from Ritchie of the Ukulele Allstars. It was his birthday and one of his gifts was the url to this blog. If I’d got a url for my birthday I’d be doling out a beating, but he seemed pleased with it – it’s not the thought that counts, it’s the money. As my belated birthday present to him, I thought I’d fulfill his request for a tune from Moussu T Lei Jovents.
This song is in the uke-unfriendly key of Ab. But putting a capo on the first fret or tuning up to C# makes the chords a doddle, leaving plenty of practice to time focus on other sections.
The intro slide-guitar lick, which crops up throughout the song, is played loosely and is slightly different each time. This is the basic gist.
Here’s the simple phrase played in the chorus.
My favourite guitar line in the song is this one from the section after the second chorus (repeated towards the end). This is a nifty little blues lick that you could adapt to pretty much any blues song.
The phrase contains a bend – far more common in guitar playing than ukulele playing. You create these by fretting the note then pushing the string upwards (i.e. towards your head) until the note sounds on fret higher. So if you’re playing at the second fret the bend should reach the pitch of the third fret.
The song closes with a jam section. You can improvise along with this using the G minor pentatonic scale. For the uke, it’s worth beefing things up by playing more than one note at a time.
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