AC/DC are the gods of riff. They’ve continually churned them out over their 70-year long career and this riff has to be the best of them.
The opening riff, I’ve tabbed in the key of A (it’s the same shapes as the original transposed onto the uke).
Not content with one outstanding riff in a song, they decided this song deserves two. Most bands would base an entire career on a riff this could but AC/DC threw it away as a middle 8.
I’ve tabbed this riff in C (just to confuse/annoy you). The fingering gets a little tricky when the riff moves up to the fifth position. An alternative to the way I’ve tabbed it is to barre across the fifth fret throughout and play it the same as the open riff. Try out both and see which you prefer.
I heartily recommend you check out Baron Von Uke‘s version of the song.
Suggested by Stewart
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