Daft Punk – Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Chords)
When Spencer requested this song I thought it was the most ridiculous, inappropriate song to try to play on the ukulele – which is why I had to have a go at working it out (and it gave me an excuse to watch the ‘groovy dancing girl’ video over and over).
The intro is the trickiest part. It’s a quick change between the Bb and the C, so I suggest you use the Bb chord shape and slide it between the two. Then the main chord progression kicks in. Although the chords and lyrics remain pretty much the same throughout the song, they get squeezed as the song goes along so that the words and chords move against each other. It’s quite a nifty trick and suits the theme of the song.
The final part of the song is the only part that is hard to make work on the uke – it’s just bass and vocoder. The chords I’ve put in are at least half invention. So feel free to change them.
If you want to play along with the original you’ll have to tune down a fret to B.
I’d love to hear a performance of this on the Uke – I’m a bit of a newb myself so I don’t think I could do it justice… :D