Camera Obscura – Cock Up Your Beaver

Camera Obscura – Cock Up Your Beaver (Chords)

I’m going to get so much comment spam on this post.

Since I tabbed out Scotland the Brave for Burns Night (I’ve updated that post with a longer tab), I thought I’d also do an actual Burns song. Cock Up Your Beaver is, apparently, a call to raise your hat. I’m a little skeptical as to whether there’s no pun intended. Particularly after reading the lyrics to songs like this one and those in the pdf on this page.

Whatever the truth, the song is popular with a modern audience. The version of the song in the player is the one played by Camera Obscura for a Burns Night Peel session in 2004.

The chords are dead simple – just A and D – leaving you plenty of brain space to concentrate on keeping a straight face. If you want to fancy it up a bit, you can play this to ape the guitar part:

robert burns ukulele tab

After playing Whack-A-Haggis for far longer than any sane man should, I decided to work out the tune: The Sons of Eilean Donan by Gayle Ellett. Here’s a rough tab of the melody.

The Sons of Eilean Donan (Tab)

Buy Belle and Sebastian
Buy Gayle Ellett

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