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Win a Kala Pineapple – Competition Closed

Win a Kala Pineapple – Competition Closed


I’m jumping on the ukulele giveaway bandwagon and starting up a competition. The prizes are:

First prize: A Kala Pineapple soprano courtesy of ukulele for sale.

Ten Runners Up: One of my ukulele ebooks (your choice).

Everyone Who Enters Gets: Tab for my solo arrangement of Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up (yeah, you read right).

What you have to do: Review your ukulele.

You can write it, make a video, take pictures, record an mp3, whatever takes your fancy. I’ll put it up on the Buy a Ukulele section so everyone can benefit from your experience. The winner will be the one I find most interesting and enlightening (it doesn’t matter whether you give the ukulele a good review or a bad review; or if the uke cost $10 or $10,000).

Email me with your entry (or, if you make a video, upload it to a video sharing site and send me the url). If you want me to link to your website/blog/Facebook/MySpace when I put it on the site, include that too.

The Rules

The review has to be new and original.
You don’t mind me putting it on the site.
You can enter once per ukulele.

Competition Closes: Midnight (Hawaii time) 6th July.

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