There’s a new book in the Jumpin’ Jim/Lyle Ritz Ukulele Masters series just out: Lyle Lite. As the name suggests, it’s aimed a little lower than his other books at the beginner/intermediate level. You can pick one up from FMM for $25, on Amazon for $18.80 (but they’re currently out of stock), or there’s one on eBay with a Buy It Now of $17.70 (and a hefty delivery charge).
It’s not often you get a chance to pick up one of KoAloha‘s Signature Series Tenor Sceptre. According to their blog, they’re back ordered up the wazoo. But MGM has one up for sale at the moment.
A couple of very interesting Tangi ukuleles: a playable, scale model ten and a half inch ukulele and a violin shaped uke.
Dave Gjessing of WaverlyStreet ukuleles has a painted pineapple uke with a nautical design by the Artful Dodger up for sale.
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