As if I didn’t blather on about the ukulele enough, I’ve gone and set up another ukulele site: Ukulele Online. The original idea came from all the Yahoo! Answers questions I was answering. I decided I was going to answer every single ukulele question that’s ever been asked online. Then I calmed down a little. So the blog is going to consist of Yahoo! Answers inspired questions and my rambling thoughts thereon. I put it on it’s own site because I didn’t want to clutter up Uke Hunt with it, a lot of it’s going to be obvious to Uke Hunt readers and it’s not the sort of thing you’ll want to subscribe to and read religiously – just there for people who need a particular question answered.
There’s a new Beatles for Ukulele chord book up for pre-order on Amazon (thanks to NashUkes)
The legendary Ukulele Force Star Wars cover album, is more talked about than it is listened to. It’s only available in Japan and if you can find an import, it’s massively expensive. But you can download a medley of clips here.
The new Hawaiian Edition of Ukulele Yes! is up. Thanks to Humble Uker for pointing it out (it’s worth subscribing for the excellent photos alone). It appears that, despite numerous attempts and assurances from the man himself, I’m still not on the mailing list. Epic fail, as I believe the kids say.
And speaking of cool uke photos.
Ukulele Underground find time to launch their latest competition to design a T-shirt in between days spent frolicking on the beach.
Rod Thomas’s Same Old Lines is now available for pre-order from Rough Trade. It’s going to the ukulele hit of the year. In five years time two months time it’ll be all like, “Noah and the what?” and stuff. So book now to avoid disappointment. You can also watch a fabulous but ukeless session here.
You’ve downloaded Jacob Borshard’s albums for free, now you can buy them on CD. And there’s a new album promised for November.
Pure Imagination chords on Uker Tabs.
Latest in the on going ukuleles/’picking up chicks’ debate: the Pick Up Artists are all playing the ukulele and The Be Arthurs get “a lot of [sexual] offers from 13-year-olds and 65-year-olds.” When I start my ‘pick up artist’ blog I think I’ll name it after this ukulele act.
Ukulele chord designer needed (edit: not anymore apparently).
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