Friday Ukulinklinks

Some very diverting videos this week: Eddie Thomas & Carl Scott, Lego ukulele and KazooKeyLele.

On the subject of ukulele videos, UkeToob is a new blog and podcast showcasing the best ukulele videos.

Jumping Flea Market looks like it might be the recipient of a few of my hard earned Euros once the online store opens. Only two Euros for ‘Ukulele Huren’? (Except the sign is in Dutch)

A new, free and exceptionally good album from Minor Constellations.

Jonathan Coulton’s Just As Long As Me and The White Stripes’ Offend In Every Way.

Warren Buffett takes to the road with his uke, his son and Akon.

The KoAloha Ukulele Story: A film charting the rise of KoAloha.

Foggy Ruins of Time has an mp3 from and an interview with The Elated Sob Story (“Outta Me is my favourite song of yours…” “That’s a cover song.” Ouch.)

For everyone who was interested (Hi, Lonna) the tracks I quoted on Manha Manha were: While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Top Gun Theme, Top Hat by Woody Mann, Have Love, Will Travel, and The Stripper.

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  1. UkeToob « Panther Red October 10th, 2008 3:28 pm

    […] Ukulelehunt links to this new blog that features a selction of ukulele videos.  […]

  2. Shelley October 14th, 2008 6:57 pm

    Hi Uke Hunt!
    Thanks for the translation of ‘Ukulele Huren’…
    Hihihihi…i got the germans all excited!
    And thanks for your blog and site in general…i love it!

  3. Woodshed October 14th, 2008 10:25 pm

    Shelley: I thought from your post you already knew the German translation! Be sure to let me know when your online store is up and running.

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