Three performances from the Ukulele Caravan Tour (Alan Drogin, Craig Robertson and John Kavanagh) along with plenty more.
Archive for 2008
Some very nice ukes on eBay at the moment. The first one I was tempted not to mention so I could try to snaffle it myself. It’s what appears to be a Dias ukulele. I’d love to have one of these things. They’re the perfect ukulele shape. The price tag is crazy, but this 1920s […]
Ukulele Muxtape. eMusic has a Friday afternoon time waster quiz. Apparently, I’m a Mix-Tape Master (123/180). And I’m still cursing myself about a couple I got wrong. The Ukulele Project draws our attention to ‘Little Bill’ Cosby’s ukulele. Almost certainly the coolest cushions you will ever see. Pssst. You didn’t hear about this secret page […]
Panic at the Disco – I Have Friends in Holy Spaces (Chords) March was quite a month for albums with unexpected ukulele tracks. As well as Portishead’s Deep Water and Van Morrison’s Keep It Simple, there was Panic at the Disco’s I Have Friends in Holy Spaces from the album Pretty. Odd. Needless to say, […]
There are two types of boys at school. Those that want to grow up to be footballers and those who want to be Rock Gods. I was firmly in the second group performing wailing guitar to a stadium full of adoring fans, but I ended up strumming my ukulele in my bedroom. Guitar Gods it […]
Brian Hefferan – The Mama Bear Bounce Anyone who’s been following the blog for a while will know I’m a big fan of Brian Hefferan‘s playing and this tune is certainly no exception. Unlike a lot of Brian’s ukulele pieces, this is a strummed song – which makes it much easier to play. There are […]
I love Google. It’s about the most fantastically useful product there is and it’s free. And it sends me more people than anyone else. AND it keeps coming up with little gadgets that I can’t help but test out. The latest one I’ve taken advantage of is Google Custom Search to create this: Google Ukulele […]
Jonathan Coulton has already put up the chords for the tune he wrote for the game Portal. But the J-Dog don’t roll with tabs. So I thought I’d have a stab the fingerpicking bit in the first part of the song. The song is played on a low-G ukulele and the picking pattern is T, […]
Videos from two quite sickeningly talented 12 year olds this week along with more gnarled and creased performers such as the New England Ukulele Orchestra, Aaron Keim, Victoria Vox and a bunch more. Maddi J* – My Light
There seems to be an affinity between dolphins and ukuleles. I don’t know why dolphins are chosen so often over other animals. Makala ukuleles deck themselves out with dolphin bridges, there’s this custom ukulele from Todaro and this Tahitian ukulele. Another animal on the uke: black bears. There are two new ukuleles from Duane Heilman […]