After getting my hands on a Kala soprano, I’m now a complete Kala convert. So I’ve now got two Kalas on my shopping list: a Kala Acacia (must just be the lighting, but the concert seems to be a completely different colour to the soprano – the soprano is closer to what I’d expect an acacia uke to look like). And a UBass Neither of them seem to have made their way over to the UK yet, so I’ve got a little time to save up some pennies.
Another uke you don’t see over here very often is a J Chalmers Doane Northern ukulele. But there’s one up on eBay UK at the moment.
Apparently, the late 1990s is now classed as ‘vintage’ and I feel very old. But it’s interesting to see an early G-String uke. They’ve obviously come a long way in terms of style.
Bands I Wish I’d Been In #283.
I like a photo with a bit of a back story. Here’s a photo of a recently released PoW Robert Maxey playing his uke. It doesn’t look like imprisonment did his moustache any harm.
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