Archive for 2009

Ukulele Window Shopping

Not much catching my eye this week. Perhaps the raging UAS beast has been sated by my cave in to the Ukulele Shop’s current sale. I’m sure it won’t be long until it’s back. The UAS beast might be having a post meal nap, but the URCAS (ukulele related crap acquisition syndrome) beast is still […]

Friday Links

AAAAAARGH!!! Big blog problems at the moment. The site doesn’t seem to be updating. So no new posts are appearing on the front page or anywhere else on the site. Phew! Panic over. A big thanks to Armelle for alerting me to the problem. And a MASSIVE thanks to j-hob for fixing the mess. If […]

Noah and the Whale – Second Lover (Tab)

Noah and the Whale – Second Lover (Tab) Is it safe to talk about Noah and the Whale again? The whole 5 Years Time thing did get a bit annoying. This one is definitely no three chord strumalong. There’s some very tricky picking involved. When I pick it I use the one-finger-per-string (thumb on G […]

Michael Jackson – Beat It

MP3 You can blame the inclusion of this one on my increasing addiction to Guitar Rock Tour. It might be the endless repetition, but I really like this riff. And the Eddie Van Halen solo is widdletastic.

James Hill – True Love Don’t Weep: Interview

James Hill’s long awaited new album True Love Don’t Weep is out tomorrow. It’s a collaboration between him and his partner, dancing cellist, Anne Davison. You can listen to clips of it here and read him answering some of my impertinent questions about it right here: It’s been more than two and a half years […]

Guitar Riffs for Ukulele: Rolling Stones – Satisfaction

MP3 A little respite after the difficulty of the last two. You can beef it up a little by adding the G string at the same fret for each note to make them power chords.

The Darkness – I Believe In A Thing Called Love

MP3 The most difficult riff in this series, but well worth it if you ask me. It’s mainly power chords but they do jump around the neck and it’s tricky switching to the picking for the last two notes. You could make it a little easier by just using the C and G strings for […]

Saturday UkeTube: Ugly, Hairy Man Edition

Back in the day I felt the need to argue that the ukulele wasn’t just for uggos like Tiny and Formby but sexy people played it too. How the times change. Now I feel the need to say, “Ugly men play the ukulele too.” So this edition of UkeTube features plenty of facial hair and […]

Ukulele Window Shopping: Gibson and Martin

After last week’s Tiny Tim heart attack ukulele, this week sees a bunch of ukuleles with rather more modest claims to fame. But they’re very nice ukes. And plenty of very nice, none famous, ukuleles too. I should get a job as a banker so I can be incompetent and walk away with millions because […]

Friday Links: The KoAloha Story, Earth Day Ukuleles

KoAloha Ukulele Story is an animated short film about the history of KoAloha and has even picked up awards. I don’t know when we’ll be able to get to see it, but you can get a taster of it with this charming interview with Alvin about the Sceptre (want one). C is the official chord […]

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