Phredd – Phreddtastic: Monday Exposure

Phredd, being a purveyor of goofy songs for kids songs and worship songs, is an act I would expect to hate. Yet he has a knack of winning over grumpy atheists like me and Craig Robertson. I think it’s because his songs sound naturally fun. It’s so easy for this sort of thing to sound forced and done by the numbers. But he always gives the impression that this is what he’d be doing anyway. You certainly don’t get an attitude of, “That’ll do, it’s only for kids,” that a lot of children’s acts come with.

Phredd has a brand new album out, Phreddtastic!, which is packed with good-timing tunes about about monkeys, pirates and monkey pirates.

Highly recommended for anyone who gets the occasional urge to dance around their bedroom like a monkey pirate (no matter how grown up and grumpy they pretend they are the rest of the time).

Essential tracks: Zoo in Space, 4 Monkey Pirates, 42 Monkeys.

You can get the CD on WJTL, pick up the MP3s on iTunes, subscribe to his YouTube and visit him on Phredd Central.

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  1. cardboardfrog January 25th, 2010 6:39 pm

    elmers electric tricycle, enough said really.
    gotta love phredd, you just have to.

  2. mcnilly January 25th, 2010 7:28 pm

    well it certainly doesnt win over grumpy agnostics ;)

  3. todd January 25th, 2010 8:17 pm

    ‘Highly recommended for anyone who gets the occasional urge to dance around their bedroom like a monkey pirate (no matter how grown up and grumpy they pretend they are the rest of the time).’

    love it….you’re ‘outing’ a lot of people ha ha…it’s as it should be :)

  4. Ron Hale January 25th, 2010 10:55 pm

    Well, I dance around my bedroom like a monkey pirate whenever I
    listen to Craig’s CDs. And what’s so wrong with that?

  5. Joshua Timmins January 26th, 2010 12:37 am

    grumpy christian here
    how many applauses does he have?
    those are not cheap

  6. thehighlandcal January 26th, 2010 6:57 am

    Grumpy Norse here
    where is all the songs about Odin, Loki and Ragnarok!
    but on a more serious note…
    Jake Wildwood’s new album is AMAZING!
    I Can’t stop listening to it.

  7. JCMcGee January 26th, 2010 9:07 am

    I feel a song coming on….

    “42 Junkies”

    42 Junkies trying to steal my bike
    to buy themselves some skag
    for friday night….

    42 Paedo’s trying to convert my kids

    Should have it recorded by Friday…

  8. Woodshed January 26th, 2010 10:02 am

    cbf: Planning to write up Elmer’s… I love it.

    mcnilly: Grumpy chops ;)

    todd: I think I’m mainly just outing myself.

    Ron: Nothing at all.

    Joshua: I only remember him using two. That tenor and the soprano he uses in Elmer’s.

    thehighlandcal: Agree with you – on both counts. More songs about Ragnarok!

    Jimmy: I’m sure that one will go down great with the kids.

  9. Phredd January 26th, 2010 11:19 am

    Woodshed, thanks for the exposure. I’m appreciative to count you and Craig amongst my grumpy atheist friends.

    Joshua, I play a lot of gyms and outdoor concerts. The ovations are sturdy and stay in tune pretty well in heat and humidity. Plus the electronics are nice when outdoors or in a cavernous gym with boisterous young concert-goers.

    Thanks all!

  10. Woodshed January 29th, 2010 10:52 am

    Phredd: It’s always great to feature you on here.

  11. yellow horse February 6th, 2011 4:31 am

    I just know that when Phredd is in my area…I am there. I’m closing in on 5 decades and love to dance to Phredd’s music.

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