Before we get down to business, two time-sensitive announcements. Firstly, we’re hoping to switch to the new theme on Thursday so the site may be inaccessible for a while.
Secondly, a few weeks ago I post a clip of highlights from Annie Bacon’s Folk Opera. She’s got in touch to tell me they’re having the first full cast performance of it on Thursday March 4th at The Jalopy Theatre Brooklyn, NY. I’ve had a sneak listen and it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re in the area. Now bring on the rock…
Time for another set of riffs for ukulele (mostly guitar riffs but one keyboard riff and one bass riff this time round). The idea isn’t to cover the whole song but to chuck them in a different piece for a bit of light relief or just show off in a ‘I bet you didn’t think you could play this on ukulele’ way. One change this time round is that the riffs are in the original key unless it’s way too hard to play them that way.
Starting off with one that should have cropped up in this series long ago (and did crop up in Wayne Federman’s medley).
The riff for In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is fairly straightforward (even more so if you use a pick). It only gets a little tricky in the little run into the chorus.
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