The new U900 record, Ukulele Beatles (oof), is available for pre-order on Amazon Japan (Thanks to Nutcrackerkuge for that).
If you missed the first of Bossa’s Ukulele! Radio Shows you missed some killer tracks, a chat with Armelle and an awkward interview with the world’s handsomest ukulele blogger. Make sure you don’t miss the next one on Wednesday 26th May, 7-8pm UK time.
Gary San Angel, producer of The KoAloha Story and he’s got a new project he wants you to be involved with:
The project is called, “My KoAloha Story”. The concept is simple. I’ll be sending a HD camera out to trusted individuals around the country and the world. Individuals would film themselves telling a story, playing a song and perhaps giving their own testimonial about their own KoAloha story. KoAloha as you know is a unique company and many KoAloha uke players have had very inspired and moving experiences in relation to their instrument.
So if you have a KoAloha story of your own, you can find out the details on his website.
Jake Shimabukuro at TEDx Japan.
Lots of uke building courses going on if you can make it to Vermont, Wales, Finland and Hawaii.
If you fancy a trip round Scandinavia with a bunch of ukulele players.
Boulder Acoustic Society are raising funds to release their new album. I’ve signed myself up for one of their ukulele player packages. If you really want to splash the cash, you can get yourself a one-off Mya Moe Ukulele.
10 ideas for recording amazing guitars (and ukuleles).
How to play Chuck Berry GUGUG style.
Bill ‘Compo’ Owen tries to do a Formby.
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