nevershoutnever – cheatercheaterbestfriendeater (Chords)
There are a lot of very good reasons to hate this guy, but still I quite like him. And he’s obviously bringing a lot of teens to the uke. So another nevershoutnever for them (particularly since the stuff I’ve seen for this song seems completely wrong to me).
There are a lot of interesting chord shapes in this one – naming them I’ve gone for straight-forwardness over technical accuracy. With the D6 in the chorus, if you prefer you can play a straight D instead without losing much.
Suggested Strumming
Thi strum will get you most of the way through the song:
d – d u – u d –
Mostly you do that once for each chord. The exceptions:
– the G chord
– twice for every chord from the second A onwards in the bridge.
– a few bits that are just down strums. On the ladadas 3 downs on the G and one on the Gsus2. One down strum for each chord in the middle section.
For variety you could throw in a bit of:
d – d u d u d u
Pingy Bit
The little tring that crops up at the end and at intervals in the song is done with harmonics. Pay attention to the second photo on that post – it’s played the same way. You want to lay your finger very gently over the 12th fret (so it’s only just touching) right over the wire itself. Then strum down. If you don’t get your tring move your finger around and experiment until you do.
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