National #001: Ukulele Window Shopping

National Style 1 ukulele prototype. It’s the first of the new line of National ukes, numbered 001 given to the guy who provided his triolion for examination.

In the war of the guiatar lookalikes I think the cutest are the Tomo Strat and Les Paul. In a similarly guitar-like vein is this electric Tiki Idol (via Phredd).

1930s Maybell.

Manuel Nunes uke from the early 1900s. The ivoroid tuners look strange to me but they’re apparently an original upgrade.

Photos: May Singhi Breen shoots pool, The Wilde Twins

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  1. Josh Gordon November 11th, 2011 6:52 pm

    Someone got much too nice a deal on that National prototype.

  2. Ron Hale November 12th, 2011 12:21 am

    A guitar lookalike that I like looking at, Al,
    is the Vineyard Flying V. Uke Republic sells them.

  3. Woodshed November 12th, 2011 6:16 am

    Josh: Yeah, I was expecting it to fetch more.

    Ron: I’m still set against Vs after having to play a Mahalo V.

  4. Ukulele Kris November 19th, 2011 2:08 pm

    Gosh that Tiki Idol ukulele is offensive to the eyes

  5. Jake Wildwood November 19th, 2011 9:44 pm

    Agreed, here, that National was a steal at that price.

    RE the Tomos — wow those are COOL. I like the Tele shaped one… this coming from a guy who hates ukes shaped like electric guitars.

  6. Woodshed November 19th, 2011 10:43 pm

    Kris: It’s certainly not to everyone’s taste. I actually quite like it.

    Jake: Yeah, someone got a bargain.

  7. John B November 21st, 2011 10:26 pm

    I like the Maybell. I’ve played one just like it before – it’s not anything approaching a classic Martin or Gibson, but they’re good players, noticeably more of a ring to their tone than Harmony and similar cheapies.

    I think it’s probably worth what they’re asking, but bid lower, for goodness sake. Play the game! :)

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