Robert Johnson Ukulele Tab Book: Friday Links

There’s a Robert Johnson ukulele tab book on the way.

Pictures: Martin factory 1925, Melvin Goaté the ukulele goat, Death Meets Amanda Palmer, Don’t you DARE walk away from me, Nick Nolte on guitarlele, gig bag maker and his mule (thanks to Phredd).

The pUKES have some sixty ukuleles between them and have started reviewing them all here.

Video: The Ukulele Hall of Fame has a lovely silent video including Manuel Nunes, Most Popular Ukulele Videos August, Skyrim dancing ukulele bear

Sophie Madeleine’s second album The Rhythm You Started has been officially released in the US (including a track I don’t think has been released before – annoyingly it’s album only). And here’s an exclusive clip of her in the studio discussing her gear:

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