Mumford and Sons – I Will Wait (Chords)

Mumford and Sons – I Will Wait (Chords)

With Mumford and two of his sons toting Mya-Moe ukes I was hoping to find some ukulele action on their new album. No such luck though. If there’s any there, I missed it.

Nonetheless, the lead single from the album is pretty great and – with the addition of a capo – works well on uke. If you don’t want to use a capo you can play along with the live version which is one fret lower.

Suggested Strumming

The strumming gets a bit involved. You can follow the guitar you can use this half bar pattern

d – d – – u d –

So the second down is long and the up is short (and accented). So played twice it’s this:

Which sounds like this (slow then up to speed):


Use the half bar pattern:

Intro and Bridge Twice for Am and G. Once for C, F, C and two for G the first time and four the second.

Verse Four times for each chord.

Chorus Four times for C, twice for Em, twice for G. (Eight times on the C chord after the first chorus).

Middle Three on C, one on Cmaj7, three on the Am, one on F and C, two on G.

The dynamics on this one smell like Teen Spirit. If you’re playing this on just uke it’s worth dropping down to just one down strum per chord in the quiet bits.

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